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Flush filter processing wastewater containing mercury analysis

Date:2014/12/1 14:49:28 Hits:2229

  With the expansion of the scale of production and the rapid development of industrial technology, organic wastewater containing heavy metal pollution is increasing. Mercury ions is one of them, so you must as far as possible to remove mercury ions. Back flush filter applications make effectively alleviate the problem.

  Mercury is a silvery white liquid metal, mercury and its compounds are toxic substances, can enter the body through various way. Its toxicity is cumulative, including inorganic mercury accumulation mainly in internal organs, and a small amount of accumulation in the brain, skin, and other parts of the body. More than in the general case for chronic poisoning, mercury mainly affect the person's central nervous system. Mercury reaches 0. 0 ~ 0. 02 mg/L water can make fish poisoning, reaches 0. 3 mg/L, can make the aquatic insect poisoning and people drink containing mercury 50 mg/L of water will be poisoned to death.

  Back flush filter is a way to use mesh directly to intercept the impurities in the water, purify water, suspended solids, particulate matter, reduce the turbidity, purify water quality, reduce system dirt, bacteria and algae, corrosion, etc, to purify the water quality. After back flush filter treatment of water quality up to the national wastewater discharge standard.

  Back flush filter has the stable discharging water, low operating cost, cover an area of an area small, long service life, etc. Back flush filter can be widely used in water treatment, water treatment, industrial circulating water treatment and other fields.

  Operation practice shows that under the back flush filter effectively assist governance mercury wastewater has been effectively treatment, the harm to the people and the environment has fallen to the lowest degree.

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